Parking & Transportation

Policies & Procedures

Appeal vs. Citation Diversion Program (CDP)

AppealThe appeals process exists so individuals may dispute their parking infraction on the basis that the citation was issued in error or if they have a legitimate reason as to why their infraction should be excused.

Citation Diversion ProgramWhen individuals recognize their citation was correctly issued and want the opportunity to learn instead of paying a fine, they should take the CDP quiz. Some citations are not eligible for the CDP. See Eligibility for details.

  • Opting to take the Citation Diversion Program quiz is similar to the process of appealing a citation, but the two options should not be conflated.
  • Appellants may choose the Citation Diversion Program (CDP) instead of the normal appeals process. If you choose the CDP, appellant waives the right to appeal the citation. If you choose to appeal your citation, appellant is ineligible to take the CDP for that citation.

Appeal A Citation

  1. Go to the My Parking Account.
    Appeals will not be accepted by mail or email. Any appeals submitted in person will be assessed a $15 fee. If you appeal your citation you are not eligible for the early payment discount.
  2. Scroll to the CITATIONS section and input Citation Number, License Plate Number, and State.
  3. Click on Appeal and follow the prompts to appeal a citation. Visitors will be prompted to set up a guest account.

Requests for an appeal must be done online within seven calendar days of the citation issue date. Any full calendar days that elapse while an appeal decision is under review will not count toward the late fees. This time period consists of when a valid citation is submitted to when the appeal decision letter is sent via email.

The Parking Appeals hearing officer will carefully review each appeal and base their decisions on the Motor Vehicle Parking Policies and Regulations and the information presented to them. Fines associated with appealed citations need not be paid until the appellant is advised of the decision. Three types of decisions will be reached:

  • Approve the appeal (dismiss the citation)
  • Deny the appeal (uphold the citation)
  • Downgrade the violation to an appropriate lesser violation

The appellant can appeal the decision of the hearing officer in certain cases. See below for Appeals Board information.

Any fines due after the appeal decision has been rendered must be paid within ten calendar days of the citation issue date to avoid any “escalation fees”. (Reminder: full calendar days that elapse while an appeal decision is under review will not count toward the late fees.)

The escalation fees are as follows:

  • A $15 late fee will be issued 10 calendar days after the citation issue date.
  • An additional $25 late fee will be issued 30 calendar days after the citation issue date. Students who fail to pay within 30 days will also be placed on academic hold.
  • Parking fines outstanding for 60 calendar days or longer will be referred to a collection agency. Additional collection agency fees may be as much as 28% of the total balance due referred by George Mason University.

The hearing officer will make any decision on the appeal based on the guidelines below:

  1. The citation and fine is presumed valid. It is the obligation of the appellant to present information that would invalidate the ticket.
  2. Reasons that might warrant invalidation of the ticket are: evidence of illness that necessitated the violation, mechanical breakdowns that were handled in a reasonably expeditious manner, documented erroneous information given by a Parking Services employee, or other circumstances that are unusual enough to warrant special consideration.
  3. Reason to warrant a downgrade of the ticket are: when further information that was not readily available to the citing officer is provided to the reviewer as a justification for the downgrade, valid misunderstandings regarding ambiguous parking areas in the judgment of the reviewer, etc.
  4. A specific reason for denial need not be given. A general statement can be made that a sufficient reason for the reversal was not made.

If you have a question about an appeal, please contact us.

Valid permit owners can be granted one where they did not attach or register their license plate information to their virtual permit. In order to be eligible for a courtesy dismissal, one must appeal their citation within 7 calendar days.

Certain determinations may be appealed to an appropriate Appeals Board (Student or Faculty/Staff). Notification of a determination will provide information stating if an additional appeal process is available as an option. A request for reconsideration of denied appeals to an Appeals Board must be made within 10 calendar days from the time a decision was made by the hearing officer. For an appeal to be reconsidered by Student Appeals Board or the Faculty/Staff Appeals Board, the appellant must schedule a hearing and be present at that hearing. The appellant will have the opportunity to present their case directly to the board members. The decision of the board members is final.

Appellants requesting a second level or final appeals hearing before the Faculty/Staff or Student Appeals Board will occur an administrative fee of $15 if one’s citation appeal is not dismissed in its entirety by the appeals board.

Parking Appeals Boards

An administrative fee of $15 will be charged if one’s citation appeal is not dismissed in its entirety by the appeals board.

The Student Parking Appeals Board is made up of members from the Student Government. The Student Government takes direction from the Director of Parking & Transportation. They follow the rules and regulations set forth in Motor Vehicle Parking Policy and Procedures and base their decision on the facts presented to them.

The Faculty/Staff and Visitor Parking Appeals Board has been appointed to hear parking citation appeals and advise the Director of Parking & Transportation on parking-related matters. The board consists of three faculty members and three staff members, appointed by the Director of Parking & Transportation. They follow the rules and regulations set forth in Motor Vehicle Parking Policy and Procedures and base their decision on the facts presented to them.

Appointments for the board are for two-year renewable terms and run from September 1 through August 31. The chairman is selected for a three-year renewable term by Board members and must have served at least one year on the board.

Disclaimer: The procedures provided herein apply to all George Mason University faculty, staff, student, University contractors, visitors, and others who use University-owned and leased parking facilities.

This procedure is designed to assist the University administration in evaluating the parking program, to highlight problem areas, to provide a learning experience to those who receive citations while using George Mason University parking facilities, to provide an avenue to correct enforcement errors, and to provide a means of redress.

The Director of Parking & Transportation has the responsibility of monitoring the policy and recommending new and/or revised policies and procedures.

Citation Diversion Program (CDP)

The Citation Diversion Program (CDP) is an online, educational quiz that Mason students, faculty, and staff may take when they receive a parking citation for eligible citations. If individuals complete the CDP with a passing grade, then their parking fine will be excused in its entirety for eligible citations. Some citations are not eligible for the CDP. See Eligibility for details.

To pass and have the citation payment waived, you must correctly answer at least 20 out of 25 questions.

  • Individuals may pass the Citation Diversion Program once per academic year, or in the case of initial failure have two attempts per academic year.
  • A second attempt can only be applied to a new, different citation – not the citation associated with the first failed attempt.
  • If an individual elects to take the CDP for a citation, then they waive their right to later appeal that citation. Likewise, an individual that appeals a citation can no longer take the CDP.

The CDP consists of 25 multiple-choice questions that are broken down into several thematic sections: “Parking Misconceptions,” “Permit Options,” “Citations,” “Appeals,” “Common Violations,” and “Promoting Transportation Resources.”

Each section begins with a written summary containing all the information needed to answer the corresponding questions. Questions only have one correct answer choice.

All questions are randomly selected from a large bank of possible test questions, except for questions 24 and 25. The last two questions ask for user feedback and will automatically be considered correct so long as the user answers them.

An optional, open-ended feedback prompt follows the last question. The optional prompt is simply there to provide individuals with an opportunity to comment or suggest anything directly to Parking & Transportation Services. It has no effect on the final test score.

Upon quiz completion, individuals will immediately see what questions they answered correctly along with their final score. In order to pass and have the citation payment waived, you must score 80% or higher (i.e. get at least 20 out of 25 questions right).

  • An individual must select the “Citation Diversion Program” option from their My Parking Account within 7 days of the citation issue date. Citations submitted for the normal appeals process are not eligible for the CDP.
  • Individuals may pass the Citation Diversion Program once per academic year, or in the case of initial failure have two attempts per academic year.
  • A second attempt can only be applied to a new, different citation – not the citation associated with the first failed attempt.
  • A vehicle associated with either a passed CDP result or two attempted CDP results during the academic year is also ineligible.

The following citations cannot be waived by taking the CDP:

  • Firelane Parking Violation
  • Blocking ADA Access
  • Damage to Parking Deck
  • Towing / Booting / Vehicle Immobilization
  • Fraudulent Display (Use of Lost/Stolen/Counterfeit Permit)
  • Improper Use of State Property
  • Fraudulent Use of Parking Deck

The Citation Diversion Program does not have to be completed in a single, timed setting. Individuals may pause the quiz at any point for them to return later and complete. The quiz, however, must be submitted within five calendar days of receiving the email notification containing the quiz link. Any partially completed quizzes not finished within five calendar days will be automatically submitted for scoring.

The test is entirely open-book, and individuals are encouraged to click any links provided to help answer questions. The links offer optional, supplementary information and are not required to correctly answer questions.

Step 1: Go to My Parking Account Either Login to your account to view citations or enter your citation info in the prompt.

Step 2: Click the “Appeal” button for the selected citation (Note: Don’t worry that the button says “Appeal”, it will take you to the proper webpage allowing selection of the Citation Diversion Program.)

Step 3: Select the “Citation Diversion Program” option from the Appeal or Citation Diversion Program prompt and type “Citation Diversion Program” in the Appeal Reason text box.

The request will be reviewed for eligibility by a CDP Representative within two business days, and if approved, an email will be sent containing quiz instructions and a hyperlink to access the Citation Diversion Program.

Information and procedures during emergencies, including inclement weather and school closings, are available via numerous channels.

The Parking and Transportation Services office is responsible for making decisions that concern traffic, parking, and shuttles at Mason. In case of inclement weather which causes delayed openings and early closures, the department will stop shuttle service approximately one hour after the university closes or start service one hour before the university opens. See Mason Alert for specific information and contact us at (703) 993-2828 with any questions.

Mason Information

  • Mason Alert – Sign up for alerts from Mason. In case of a serious emergency or imminent danger, Mason will send out an automatic alert to all students, faculty, and staff. However, you can also sign up to be alerted to traffic conditions and emergencies in your residential area.
  • Parking and Transportation– Our website displays all emergency announcements and information about school closings, late openings, etc.
  • Facebook – We post updates and alerts about school closings, traffic conditions and other relevant transportation news on Facebook. Join the “Mason Parking Transportation” group to start receiving these updates.
  • Twitter – Follow @MasonShuttles and @MasonParking on Twitter to receive updates and information about the shuttles, including any service interruptions, schedule changes, and Metro news.
  • Environmental Health and Safety – Visit the website to view the Emergency Preparedness Guide detailing procedures for different emergency situations on campus.

Regional News Sources

  • – Visit the website or call 511 for travel and traffic information in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. The website provides relevant travel information including road conditions and live traffic cameras for major freeways.
  • Capital Weather Gang – Check out interesting weather-related news in DC and the surrounding area.
  • Fairfax County: The county has an Emergency Alert Sign-up and a blog for information about emergencies, Fairfax County Emergency Information.
  • WMATA – Visit the website to find out about Metro service interruptions and construction that may complicate your commute during inclement weather or an emergency.

Should you lose something in a Mason parking lot/decks or on the Mason shuttles, Parking and Transportation asks you to follow these guidelines:

  1. Mason shuttle drivers check their buses at the end of their shift. Anything that is found on the shuttles is turned into the Mason Shuttles supervisor who then will bring it to the Parking Services Office at Sandy Creek (Next to the Shenandoah Parking Deck), 703-993-2710.
  2. Anything found in the parking lots/decks can be turned in to the respective Parking Services Office:
    • Mason Square (Arlington), 219 Van Metre Hall, 703-993-8007
    • Fairfax Campus, Parking Services Office at Sandy Creek, 703-993-2710
    • SciTech Campus, 112 Colgan Hall, 703-993-4808
  3. All items turned in will be recorded in a Lost and Found log. The receiving person will note the date and time, a description of the item, any pertinent details (e.g. where the item was found), and record their name as the recipient of the lost item(s). The person turning in the item(s) will also legibly record their name.
  4. Disposition of the unclaimed items depends on a few factors:
    • If the item is identifiable, Parking Services will contact the individual directly based upon information available in PeopleFinder to have them pick up the item in Parking Services.
    • If arrangements cannot be made to pick up passports, wallets, phones, and computers in Parking Services, the item will be turned into the Mason Police each Friday. Bring a copy of the log for that week to provide to Mason Police. Delivery to Mason Police will be noted in the log. Please contact the Police using the non‐emergency number 703-993-2810.
    • If arrangements cannot be made to pick up a Mason ID in Parking Services, it will be turned into the Mason Card Office.
    • Clothing and other items are kept in the Parking Services Offices and are donated on a monthly basis.
  5. Some items will not be accepted into Lost and Found and will be disposed of immediately.
    • Food and liquid items
    • Illegal, dangerous, or potentially hazardous materials (including but not limited to illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, medication, etc.)
    • Loose papers
    • Plastic or reusable water bottles if not in good condition
  6. Process for returning an item
    • Request a description of the item first (e.g. color, logo/brand, etc.)
    • Do not hold up an item for visual identification or allow someone to search through Lost & Found items.
    • Ask for a form of photo ID.  Have the claimant write their name legibly and sign the log.  Ensure the printed name matches the photo ID and, when applicable the item being returned.
    • Claimant must provide a photo ID and full name.  If they do not, do not release the item; report the situation to parking management.
    • Staff person returning the item will also write their name, date, and time in the log.

All regulations enacted by the Commonwealth of Virginia and George Mason University are duly enforced. Vehicles in violation of the rules and regulations set forth on this website may be subject to citation, fine, immobilization, towing, and/or impoundment at the owner’s risk and expense.

Applications of Rules and Regulations

No vehicle operator, including University personnel, shall park a vehicle, which violates any of these rules and regulations. Any vehicle found violating these regulations is subject to citation and fine.

A vehicle may be issued multiple citations and fines for multiple violations at one time. A vehicle may be issued additional citations for the continued noncompliance of parking policy, not to exceed one citation per four-hour period for the same violation.

In addition to the existing rules of having one’s car immobilized when owing $300 or more in citations, one can also have their car towed and immobilized on each citation after having received five valid prior citations in a semester.

A vehicle may be towed from one area to another for violations of certain restrictions. Vehicles may be moved to an appropriate location or to an impoundment location. All towing arising from enforcement actions is at the owner’s risk and expense. Any vehicle impeding the flow of traffic, whether in a roadway or parking lot, is subject to towing, at owner’s risk and expense. Towing without notification can occur under certain circumstances. Towing tickets are not appealable. All towing tickets must be paid within ten days of citation issue date to avoid late fees.

A vehicle may be booted for violation of certain restrictions. All booting arising from enforcement actions is at the owner’s risk and expense. Any vehicle impeding the flow of traffic, whether in a roadway or parking lot, is subject to booting at the owner’s risk and expense. Booting without notification can occur under certain circumstances. Booting tickets are not appealable. All booting tickets must be paid within ten days of citation issue date to avoid late fees. Notification of booting will be reported to the George Mason University Police.

A vehicle parked in a fire lane or a roadway is subject to towing at the owner’s risk and expense without notice.

A vehicle improperly parked in an ADA accessible area is subject to towing, at owner’s risk and expense, without notice.

A vehicle improperly parked in a reserved space is subject to towing, at the owner’s risk and expense, without notice.

Any vehicle which blocks, impedes, or restricts another vehicle’s ability of egress or ingress, as a result of violating a parking regulation, is subject to towing, at the owner’s risk and expense, without notice.

A vehicle may be impounded if its registered driver or owner accrues $300 or more of unpaid citations, or the vehicle has been determined to be abandoned. Impounding may be by means of towing or booting of a vehicle. Reacquisition of an impounded vehicle or tampering with a booted vehicle, without payment and release by an appropriate and authorized George Mason office, may result in additional action(s) being taken by the University in accordance and compliance with all applicable laws.

In addition to the existing rules of having one’s car immobilized when owing $300 or more in citations, one can also have their car towed and immobilized on each citation during a semester after having received five valid prior citations in that semester.

Parking Permit Display

All vehicles parked on University property, with the exception of timed zones and visitor parking, must own a a valid permit and register their license plate to that permit.

Under certain circumstances, vendors or contractors may park vehicles on campus without displaying a permit. These circumstance must be approved and/or coordinated by Parking Services.

Vehicles parked in designated visitor parking areas of the parking decks or using the ParkMobile app are not required to display a permit. For more information see the Visitor Parking section.

A citation and fine for “improper display” may be issued to any vehicle not properly displaying a permit when required. “Improper display” citations are primarily issued in cases where the permit is placed in a manner that it cannot be properly read. These citations and fines may also be issued in cases where a vehicle is not displaying a permit that has been registered to it.

A citation for “fraudulent display” may be issued to any vehicle displaying a lost, stolen, or counterfeit permit. Use or participation in the use of a lost, stolen, or counterfeit permit will/ may result in the forwarding of information to University Police and Administration for judicial review for appropriate criminal or University action, where deemed appropriate.

Parking Rules and Regulations

George Mason University-owned and operated parking areas
All the time (24/7) unless otherwise posted.

This includes all times when the University is closed, whether or not classes are in session. Permits are required at all times. 

Parking is permitted only in marked areas with painted control lines. Any vehicle parked in an area not marked as a parking space without making an arrangement with Parking Services is subject to citation, fine, and possible towing, at the owner’s risk and expense.

As outlined, certain lots and areas are restricted as to the type of permit required. Vehicles not displaying the proper permit are subject to a “restricted area” or “prohibited zone” citation and fine.

A fire lane is any road or driveway designated as a necessary route for emergency vehicles. These include areas specifically marked with signs and/or painted curbs, as well as unmarked driveways, drive aisles, and curbs. A vehicle parked in one of these areas is subject to a “fire lane” citation and towing at the owner’s risk and expense.

For the purpose of this George Mason University parking facilities procedures guide, “business” is described as any activity sanctioned by the University to take place on University property. These activities would include library use as well as all unofficial activities permitted or authorized by the University. Persons not attending an activity on University property are not permitted to park a vehicle on campus. No commuter parking, excluding George Mason campus to campus commuter parking, is permitted on University Campuses at any time. Exceptions to these rules must be approved by Parking Services in advance. See Mason Square section for exclusion.

Parking facilities at the University are intended solely for the use of persons with business at the University. Overnight parking is permitted for resident students only; no other overnight parking is permitted. Those requiring overnight parking for special circumstances are to contact Parking Services to make arrangements. Overnight parking is not permitted in Rappahannock Parking Deck generals area from 2 am-5 am Monday – Friday.

Any alteration of a parking permit subjects the vehicle/owner to a citation for “no permit” or “fraudulent display” and may also subject them to towing or impounding at the owner’s risk and expense. Issues of counterfeiting will be reported to University Police and Administration for judicial review for appropriate criminal or University action, where deemed appropriate.

Schedule of Fine Rates

All parking citations have a base fine amount determined by their violation type. If a student pays off their citation in full within five calendar days of citation issuance, then they may email Mason Parking Services ( to request an early payment rebate.

  • Checks postmarked within five business days of citation issuance are also eligible for an early payment rebate. Appealed citations are not eligible for the early payment rebate.
  • Violation types, base fine amounts, and five-day rebate rates are displayed in the chart below.

Escalation Fees

Payments made after five calendar days will not receive any discounted rate and will equal the base fine amount in addition to any escalation fees that may accumulate over time.

The escalation fees are as follows:

  • A $15 late fee will be issued 10 days after the citation date.
  • A $25 late fee will be issued 30 days after the citation date.

Fine DesriptionFineFine with Early
Payment Rebate
Shared Permit Use$100$85
No Permit, No Permit on File and/or Displayed$100$85
Parking Overtime, Parking Time Limit Exceeded$35$30
Restricted Area, Not Adhering to Signage or Restrictions$50$40
Fire Lane Parking at Yellow Curbing and/or Sign$125N/A
Disabled Area Violation$375N/A
Blocking Disabled Access, Restricting Ability to Access In or Out$375 N/A
Booting and Immobilization Restricting Ability of Moving Car by Device $75$70
Damage to Parking Deck*$200N/A
Double Parking, Parking Side by Side in a Vertical Parking Area$25$20
Fraudulent Display, Use of Lost/Stolen/Counterfeit Permit$375 N/A
Fraudulent Use of a Parking Deck$375N/A
Improper Permit/License Plate Display$25$20
Improper Use of State Property$375 N/A
Loading Zone Improper/Unauthorized Use of Loading Area$50$40
Masonvale Improper Display$50$40
No Permit First Week of Semester$25$20
No Permit Second Week of Semester$50$40
Parking in a Reserved Space/Area, No Permit for Restricted Area$100$85
Parking Left/Wrong Side to Curb Vehicle Parked in Opposition of Traffic Flow$25$20
Parking Over the Lines, Exceeding Parameter of Designated Space Control$25$20
Shared Permit Violation$100$85
Towing Removal of Vehicle from Area Parked$100$85


*Damage to Parking Deck includes damage to the deck gate, pay stations and other deck equipment or features.

**Tailgating includes additional vehicles driving through the gate after the gate bar has been raised for a vehicle to drive through

Fine Payment Requirements and Penalties

Payment for fines can be made at the Parking Services Office on the Fairfax Campus, Science & Technology Campus, Mason Square (Arlington Campus), or online through the links in the banner at the top of this page. When paying fines online, payments can be made with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, or electronic check. If paying with an electronic check, please ensure there are sufficient funds in the account and that the routing and account numbers are entered properly. A $50 administrative fee will be applied to accounts with insufficient funds or if the account number or routing number are entered incorrectly.

Fines are to be paid or appealed within seven calendar days of receipt of the citation. All fines not paid by the 10th calendar day will be assessed a $15 late fee. Fines not paid within 30 calendar days of issuance will be assessed an additional $25 late fee. See the Parking Appeals tab for more information.

Parking Services mails two late letter reminders to individuals who have outstanding parking fines. The first letter is mailed to the address of record 10 days after a citation was issued. The final letter is sent 30 days after the date of issuance.

Students who fail to pay or appeal citations will be placed on financial/registration hold 30 days after the date of issuance. Per University policy financial/registration hold “means that no transcripts or records are issued, no diplomas are released, and no registrations are permitted until outstanding obligations including the reinstatement fee, have been paid in full.”

Faculty/staff and visitors are also considered delinquent when citations remain unpaid more than thirty days after the date of issuance.

Parking fines outstanding for 60 days or longer will be referred to a collection agency. Additional collection agency fees may be as much as 28% of the total balance due referred by the University. Accounts chargeable to a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia will also be reported to the Virginia Department of Taxation, Division of Set-Off Debt Collection. The balance of the unpaid account will be deducted from the individual’s Virginia State income tax refund. The amount deducted will be forwarded to George Mason University, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Vehicles with five or more outstanding fines per semester (over 10 days late) or that owe $300 are subject to towing, booting, immobilization, and/or impoundment on the University Campus, at the owner’s risk and expense. All outstanding fines must be paid in full or the ticket holder/vehicle owner must enter into a contractual payment agreement with the University before the vehicle will be released.

Booted, Immobilized, and/or impounded vehicles will be released only to the registered owner. Said owner must prove ownership by producing the original vehicle title and/or registration together with a picture identification proving the claimant’s identity. If the claimant is not the registered owner of the vehicle, a written and notarized letter must be produced by the claimant with an embossed seal from the owner permitting the University to release the vehicle to the claimant. The original title and registration or copies thereof must accompany the letter of release.

Faculty, staff, and students who have incurred parking fines of $300 or more and who are unable to pay said fines in full may opt to enter into a contractual payment plan agreement with the University to satisfy their indebtedness.

  • A one-third initial payment is required before the payer can be released from financial suspension or have a booted, immobilized, or impounded vehicle released.
  • A $25 administrative fee will be charged to be placed on the payment plan.
  • These individuals are responsible for making a maximum of three additional timely payments without the benefit of a reminder.
  • Any default by the payer as outlined in the contract will negate the agreement. Payment plan agreements will not be renewed following a defaulted contract.

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Access

As an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the University has access to certain DMV computer files. Said access enables the University to determine the name and address of a vehicle owner by license tag or vehicle identification number.

Parking Citation and Fine Liability

Ultimately, the registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for all citations and fines issued to said vehicle whether or not the owner was in fact the driver. In addition, the holder of a university parking permit or someone who has registered a vehicle may also be held financially responsible for citations and fines issued to the vehicle for which the permit is registered. One may only register vehicles that they own or possess.

Parking Permit Rates

Other Permits


Parking Deck Rates (Note 2)

Monday-Friday1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
All Day
Saturday-Sunday1 hour
2 hours
All Day
Purchase at the Pay Station or via ParkMobileZone:
Shenandoah Deck: 4999
Rappahannock Deck: 4901

Daily Rates

Lot L
Purchase on the Parking Portal
or via ParkMobile (Zone: 4907)
Lot K
Purchase on the Parking Portal
or via ParkMobile (Zone: 4905)

Free on weekend
Virtual permit required, please purchase online
West Campus
ParkMobile Zone: 4906
Lot P
Purchase at the Pay Station
or via ParkMobile (Zone: 4904)
Weekday after 10 am
Weekends after 5 am
Rapidan River Road
Purchase via ParkMobile (Zone: 4906)
*not valid in West Campus Lot
Weekday after 5 pm
All day on weekends
Daily Evening
General Lots A, C, K, L, M, P, West Campus, Rappahannock Parking Deck Levels 1 & 2

Purchase on the Parking Portal
Valid After 4:00 pm$8.50
SciTech Campus Hourly Rate1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
All Day

Short-Term Rates (Note 3)

Lot L & KWeekly$35.00
Lot L & KMonthly$85.00
West CampusWeekly$16.50
West CampusMonthly$50.00

Other Fees

Permit ReplacementSemester$50.00
Permit ReplacementPayroll Deduction$25.00

Note 1: Mopeds, scooters, and bicycles occupying parking space will be categorized as motorcycles for policy application.

Note 2: Rates repeat after 24 hours. Pricing may vary depending on time, date, and presence of an event. Temporary rate changes will be posted at the entrances to the parking deck.

Note 3: Permit listing is not indicative of availability. Availability is subject to change. Please contact Parking Services if you have any questions.

Parking Permit Requirements

Unless noted in this policy, all vehicles parked on property owned or operated by George Mason University are required to display a valid George Mason University parking permit. Visitors are required to park in designated areas with the appropriate permit or pass obtained from Parking Services or must park in pay-based areas, which include parking decks or areas that accept mobile payments. See the Parking Permits and Fees tab for details.

Mason Square Regulations

Fairfax Campus & Science Technology Campuses Regulations

Parking Deck Regulations

Parking Permit Regulations

The purchase, acceptance, and use of any permit on George Mason University property conveys authorization to appropriate and authorized departments of the University to relocate any vehicle, by means of towing, to another parking space or lot when deemed necessary. The relocated vehicle is to be moved to space as near to the original space, if not the original space, as possible. When or if this cannot be accommodated, the vehicle is to be relocated to Lot C or West Campus parking lot. Notification to the University Police Department must be made when any vehicle is relocated. No fine or towing fee will be applied, unless the relocated vehicle was parked in violation of the Motor Vehicle Parking Procedures.

The registered owner of a motor vehicle is responsible for all violations issued to the vehicle regardless of who is operating the vehicle. If the vehicle’s license plate is attached to a valid permit and incurs a citation for violation of these rules and regulations, the permit holder will be primarily responsible for all citations and/or fines issued to any vehicle.

George Mason University, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and agents of GMU or the Commonwealth do not assume responsibility for any vehicle or its contents when parked on University property. The University and the State do not assume responsibility for damage to vehicles that are booted, immobilized, or towed due to violations incurred or as a result of other Policy violations.

To purchase a parking permit, individuals must comply with George Mason University and associated state regulations and not have any outstanding citations or fines. Individuals must provide a valid George Mason University identification. Individuals wishing to purchase an Arlington Campus permit must provide a copy of their schedule or proof of employment showing class registration or employment at either campus location.

Parking Space Availability
The purchase of a George Mason University parking permit gives the permit holder the right to park in a designated campus location only when there is space available in that location. The purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee the purchaser access to a parking space at all times.

Permit Transferability
George Mason University Parking Services is the only agent authorized to sell or in any way disburse parking permits. Permits may not be sold or transferred from one individual to another. Permits may be transferred from one vehicle to another but are not to be “shared” or used together by two or more individuals; each individual is required to purchase their own permit. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a “no permit”, “improper display” or “fraudulent display” citation.

All faculty, staff, and student permits are sold online at My Parking Account.

Certain types of special permits must be purchased in person at the appropriate campus office:

  • Fairfax Campus: Sandy Creek Parking Office
  • Mason Square (Arlington Campus): Van Metre Hall Room 219
  • Science & Technology Campus: Colgan Hall Room 112

Parking Services accepts cash, checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, Mason Money, and pre-tax payroll deduction as payment options for permits. Pre-tax payroll deduction is limited to full-time faculty and staff only. Payment by coin, in entirety, will not be accepted unless the item is paid for requires coin payment.

When purchasing permits online, payments can be made with Visa, Mastercard, or electronic check. When paying with an electronic check, please ensure there are sufficient funds in the account and that the routing and account numbers are entered properly. A $50 administrative fee will be applied to accounts with insufficient funds or if the account number or routing number is entered incorrectly.

Permit rates are subject to change. Please visit the Parking Permits and Fees tab for current information.

Qualifications for Complimentary Senior Citizen Parking Waiver
Senior citizen students who qualify for free tuition and/or course audits as outlined in the George Mason University catalog and presented in University Administrative Policy Number 21, Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974, shall be entitled to a complimentary parking permit for the duration of their enrollment under said status. Only one complimentary permit will be issued per wavier period. Valid proof of age and tuition waiver from the Registrar’s Office is required to qualify.

University Volunteers and Temporary Employees
University volunteers and temporary employees must observe all permit and/or pass requirements and parking regulations when using University operated facilities. Permits will be sold and issued only upon written request to the Parking Services office by a sponsoring department. Departments may underwrite the cost of parking for volunteers and temporary employees, in accordance with University and State guidelines. Valid proof of age such as a driver’s license is required to qualify for senior citizen rates.

Employees and Volunteers of Contractors and/or Vendors
Employees and volunteers of contractors and vendors must observe all permit requirements and parking regulations when using University operated facilities. Contractors and vendors must submit written verification of an individual’s employment and/or volunteer status to the Parking Services Office. Said contractors and vendors may underwrite parking costs for their employees and/or volunteers. Valid proof of age such as a driver’s license is required to qualify for senior citizen rates.

Emeritus Faculty
Faculty members duly appointed to emeritus status by the George Mason University Board of Visitors are eligible to receive one complimentary general permit upon proof of status.

Permit Refunds
If a parking permit holder wishes to return their permit for a refund, an emailed refund request must be submitted to In the request, the permit holder must provide their G# and the permit number for the permit being returned. If returning your permit because your classes have changed to online, please let us know. Refund requests made within 48 business hours of purchasing the permit may receive a full refund minus a $15 administrative fee to process the refund. Refund requests after 48 business hours will receive a refund based on a pro-rated schedule minus a $15 administrative fee. Once a refund for a permit has been processed, the permit is no longer valid and may not be used.

Parking Permit Exchanges
If a parking permit holder wishes to exchange their parking permit or replace a damaged parking permit, they will need to turn in their original parking permit (if hangtag) or submit a request form (if virtual permit). They will be charged a $15 administrative fee to process the exchange of any permit. Parking will notify the customer if the request can be processed and will provide further instructions. Payment is made at the Parking Services office.

Reserved Parking Access Devices
If the parking permit holder needs to replace a non-working access device to a reserved parking area, or they will be transferring to a new reserved parking area that uses a different type of access device, they may do so at no additional charge. Any lost or stolen access devices will incur a new $25 refundable deposit.

Parking Permit Upgrades
If a parking permit holder wishes to upgrade their current parking permit to a higher-priced permit, they will submit a request form to the Parking Services Office. Parking will notify the customer if the request can be processed and will provide further instructions. The full value of the current parking permit will be applied towards the price of the new parking permit. Payment is made at the Parking Services office.

Parking Permit Downgrades
If a parking permit holder wishes to downgrade their current parking permit to a lower-priced permit, they will submit a request form to the Parking Services Office. Parking will notify the customer if the request can be processed and will provide further instructions. The posted refundable value of the current parking permit will be applied towards the price of the new parking permit.

Lost Permit Regulations
Any replacement permits issued will be issued at the discretion of Parking Services. Lost permit regulations are listed below.

Lost Permit Acknowledgement
Before a replacement permit is issued, the purchaser must acknowledge in writing that the permit is lost and that they understand that the registered owner(s) of any vehicle displaying or using a permit verified as lost by the purchaser will be cited for fraudulent display and subject to any and all fines and legal ramifications imposed by the University and/or the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Lost Permit Replacement Policy
Replacements for lost permits will be issued only to the original purchaser. All outstanding citations and accrued late fees must be paid or the purchaser must enter into a contractual agreement to pay said fines before a replacement permit is issued. Use or participation in the use of a reported “lost permit” by the original purchaser can/will result in the forwarding of information to the appropriate University and legal authorities for further action.

Replacement Fee 
A replacement fee may be charged for the replacement of a lost or stolen parking permit. Whether or not a replacement fee is required will be at the discretion of Parking Services. See the Parking Refund Rate Schedule tab for the current replacement rate. Refunds for replacement fees minus a $15 administrative fee will be processed in cases where the lost or stolen permit is found and returned to Parking Services within 30 days.

Stolen Permit Regulations
Any replacement permits will be issued at the discretion of Parking Services. Stolen permit regulations are listed below.

Law Enforcement Report Requirement
All stolen permits must be reported to a law enforcement agency/official in the jurisdiction in which the theft occurred.

Police Report Submittal
A copy of the police report and/or case number must be submitted with the request for a replacement of a stolen permit. Parking Services shall base any determination upon receipt of an official police report.

Stolen Permit Acknowledgment
The purchaser must sign an acknowledgment indicating that the permit was stolen and that they understand that the registered owner(s) of any vehicle displaying or using a permit verified as stolen by the purchaser will be cited for fraudulent display and subject to any and all fines and legal ramifications imposed by the University and/or the Commonwealth of Virginia. Use or participation in the use of a stolen, or counterfeit permit will/ may result in the forwarding of information to University Police and Administration for judicial review for appropriate criminal or University action, where deemed appropriate.

Stolen Permit Replacement Policy
Replacements for stolen permits shall be issued only to the original purchaser upon presentation of George Mason University identification. In addition, all outstanding citations and accrued late fees must be paid or the purchaser must enter into a contractual agreement to pay said fines before a replacement permit is issued.

Only the original purchaser of a permit may receive a refund of the purchase price of a permit in accordance with the refund schedule and conditions. Refund and replacement fees are described as follows.

Permit Refund Regulations
A refund can be issued only to the original purchaser. Said purchaser must present a valid George Mason University identification and surrender the permit before a refund can be processed. Refunds are issued from the Commonwealth of Virginia and may take up to six weeks to process, with the exception of credit card refunds, which are refunded in accordance with the specific credit card company policy.

Payment of Citations and Accrued Fees
All outstanding citations and accrued fees must be paid before a refund can be processed.

Student Proof of Class Withdrawal
Students may be required to provide official proof of class withdrawal before a refund can be processed.

Faculty/Staff Proof of Employment Termination
Faculty/staff may be required to provide official proof of employment termination obtained from Human Resources before a refund can be processed.

Full Refund
A full refund on semester permits will be given within two calendar days from the date of permit issue.

Partial Refund 
Partial refunds are pro-rated according to the Parking Refund Rate Schedule.

Summer Refunds 
If you are returning a permit to Parking Services there is a $15 administrative fee assessed against the refund. Summer students will receive a full refund minus the administrative fee up to and including the last add/drop day of the session in which they registered upon proof of withdrawal. No other pro-rated refund will be given.

Summer Portion Refunds
No refund will be given for what might be considered the “unused” summer portion of a spring semester permit.

Permit Refund Schedule
Parking permits are sold and prorated according to the schedule found in the Parking Refund Rate Schedule tab.

If using a hang tag, either alone or in conjunction with a virtual permit, physical permits must be displayed in one of the following manners. Failure to display a permit properly may result in a citation. Purchase of a permit does not alleviate the responsibility for proper display of a physical permit at all times.

Virtual Permits
When parking at Mason, your vehicle must always be parked with the license plate facing the drive aisle.

Hang Tags
Hang Tags must be placed in a hanging manner from the rear-view mirror of the vehicle with the front of the permit facing the outside of the vehicle. The permit numbers must be clearly visible through the windshield. (Vehicles without a rear-view mirror must prominently display the permit in the center of the front dashboard.

University faculty, staff, and students with special parking needs must make prior arrangements to obtain the necessary permit through the Parking Services office during normal hours of operation.

External Vendors – Service and Repair Restrictions
External vendors doing business with Mason on a regular basis may purchase a service and repair permit that allows short-term access to service and repair spaces on campus. Service and Repair vehicles may not park in prohibited zones, restricted areas, ADA-accessible spaces, fire lanes, time-limited areas, grassy landscaped areas, or sidewalk areas. The use of Service and Repair spaces is limited to 4 hours unless otherwise designated. These areas are strictly enforced, and vehicles are subject to citations and fines. Any deviations must be approved by Parking Services and be on a short-term basis only.

University Departments – Service and Repair/Administrative Restrictions
University departments may request supplemental service and repair/administrative permits for use by employees while conducting University business and needing short-term access to service and repair/administrative spaces. University employees may only use the supplemental service and repair permit or administrative permit in conjunction with a valid faculty/staff parking permit. Service and Repair vehicles may not park in prohibited zones, restricted areas, ADA-accessible spaces, fire lanes, time-limited areas, grassy landscaped areas, or sidewalk areas. These areas are strictly enforced, and vehicles are subject to citations and fines. Any deviations must be approved by Parking Services and be on a short-term basis only. Service and Repair Permit or Administrative Permit must be used in conjunction with a valid Mason parking permit and are valid for 4 hours unless otherwise designated, while loading or unloading equipment; otherwise, they are valid in all faculty/staff and general parking areas. Administrative permits are intended only for those individuals who have a demonstrated need to access administrative spaces. A statement of need from an appropriate supervisory individual will be required. Administrative permits will be issued to all faculty and staff deemed eligible by the Director of Parking & Transportation or designee.

Refer above for surface reserved parking regulations.

Individual Reserved
Individual reserved permits are valid in their assigned space as well as in all general lots. Permit is not transferable.

Permits may also be issued or purchased for periods of time less than a semester. Permits may be issued on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or for a combination of these for a fee. Temporary permits are obtainable from Parking Services.

Permit Refund Schedule

Canceling or returning the permit is subject to the Refund Rate Schedule. If you wish to return your permit, you must submit a refund request form to Parking Services within 48 hours of purchase to be eligible for the full refund minus the $15 administrative fee.

Any permit returned after 48 hours from the purchase date is subject to the rates on the most current refund schedule.

See the Refund Rate Schedule PDF or the table below

Permit TypesBefore
Jan. 26
Jan. 22-
Feb. 8
Feb. 9-
Mar. 1
Mar. 23-
Apr. 12
Apr. 27-
May 31
Fairfax/Scitech General$255$225$195$150$105$60$0
Vernon Smith Parking Garage$255$225$195$150$105$60$0
General Resident$305$270$235$185$135$85$0
General Resident Lite$190$165$140$105$70$35$0
Lot I$340$300$260$205$150$95$0
Lot I Resident$370$330$290$230$170$110$0
Lot J$315$280$245$190$140$90$0
Lot J Resident$345$305$265$210$150$95$0
Lot R$360$320$280$220$160$100$0
Global Center$255$225$195$150$105$60$0
Global Center Resident$305$270$235$185$135$85$0
Lot M & P$170$150$130$100$70$40$0
West Campus$95$85$70$50$30$0$0
Town House Resident$190$165$140$105$70$35$0
Beacon Hall$355$315$275$215$155$95$0
Mason Pond Parking Deck$425$380$335$265$195$125$0
Shenandoah Parking Deck$425$380$335$265$195$125$0
Mason Pond Parking Deck Evening$330$295$255$200$145$90$0
Shenandoah Parking Deck Evening$330$295$255$200$145$90$0
Rappahannock Parking Deck$400$355$310$245$180$115$0
Van Metre Garage$400$355$310$245$180$115$0
Van Metre Garage Day / Evening$285$250$215$165$115$65$0
Deck Motorcycle$110$95$80$60$40$0$0
General Motorcycle$45$35$25$15$0$0$0

Patriots Spring Break

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